Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa

Metrosideros excelsa

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    *We have a handful of 30L specimens that WILL flower this year. Please Enquire*

    The tree we think represents Mangawhai the best with some stunning specimens that sit along our coast. They are the source of our seed. A very hardy coastal tree. Slow growing and can handle heavy pruning so is ideal as a specimen, in a pot or for hedging. The Christmas tree of Aotearoa that flowers in Summer with stunning crimson flowers. 

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    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa
    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa
    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa
    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa
    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa
    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa
    Pōhutukawa, Metrosideros excelsa